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Welcome to Badger Boys State!

We are very excited that you are interested in sponsoring citizens for the Badger Boys State session this upcoming June. Your generosity ensures that there is no cost for participants and that all young leaders in Wisconsin have equal opportunity to participate in Badger Boys State.

If you are interested in sponsoring citizens, please click here to download and print the Sponsorship Card and send in the completed Sponsorship Card with a donation of $400 per citizen to Badger Boys State, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901.

Please review the information below to learn more about our program. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have, by calling 608.745.1090 or emailing


A Week to Change a Lifetime

Badger Boys State is a week-long civic leadership program. Upon arriving, each participant becomes a citizen of one of 27 cities and one of 9 counties within Badger Boys State. 900 fellow young leaders from across Wisconsin will be tasked with organizing their own government by electing public officials at the city, county, and state levels. After electing their government, public officials will then work together to address the concerns of their community.

Through this process, each participant will not only learn the fundamentals of civics, but also develop the interpersonal skills and confidence necessary to lead in their local community when they return in their senior year. Our volunteer staff is committed to helping each participant develop the education and skills needed to make a positive impact.


3 Reasons to Sponsor Citizens



Badger Boys State is an experience unlike any other.

Badger Boys State is unlike a typical learning experience. Our volunteer staff is committed to helping young leaders build a city, county, and state government and become more effective leaders throughout the process. Every part of our program is designed for each citizen to acquire first-hand experience with civic leadership.


Badger Boys State will help students achieve their future goals.

Colleges and universities, military academies, and future employers will view Badger Boys State participation as a sign of a citizen’s strong leadership abilities and character. There are also many scholarships available only to Boys State participants. In 2019, Nathan Wolf of Kaukauna won the $10,000 Samsung Legion Scholarship.


Students will return home as more impactful leaders.

Our immersive program and supportive staff empower citizens to use their leadership skills and abilities to enact positive change in their local communities during their senior year and beyond. Badger Boys State citizens are encouraged to serve as role models in their schools and as active citizens in their local communities.


Timeline for Sponsors


October 2024: Sponsorship Begins

Sponsorship Cards are made available on October 2024. We continue to accept sponsors until program capacity is reached.

Please submit the Sponsorship Card as early as possible. This allows us to best plan for the upcoming session and keep schools up to date about how many students we expect to support from each school.

Please contact us if you experience any challenges when completing the Sponsorship Card or submitting your donation.

January 15, 2025: Priority Deadline

If possible, please submit the Sponsorship Card by January 15, 2025. This allows our staff enough time to send registration information to school counselors by January 31, 2025.

After January 15, 2025, sponsors are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until capacity is reached.

Please note that the earlier we receive a Sponsorship Card, the more easily we will be able to match each sponsor with a young leader from Wisconsin.

April 15, 2025: Registration Deadline

Young leaders who have been selected by their school are asked to register by April 15, 2025. By this point in time, we hope to have matched all interested young leaders with sponsors.

At this time, we may have alternate students who will only be provided the opportunity to attend if we can secure more sponsorships.

We aim to offer all interested young leaders the opportunity to participate in Badger Boys State, but this is only possible with the generous support of sponsors.